Featuring: Big Innovation Centre joins forces with Deep Knowledge Analytics to report on the most innovative and rapidly evolving sectors
London, 24 August 2018 – Big Innovation Centre and Deep Knowledge Analytics form strategic partnership to produce regular landscape overviews of UK Innovation Ecosystem and DeepTech industries.
The two first joined forces to produce their Blockchain Industry in UK Landscape Overview Q2 2018 report in coordination with the All Party Parliamentary Group on Blockchain. The report – the largest and most comprehensive to date – demonstrated the extent that the Blockchain and the Crypto Economy spheres had matured over the past few years. It includes the profiling of over 200 companies, 170 investors, 20 tech hubs, 15 think tanks and R&D centres, 10 incubators and accelerators, and the 100 faces of the Blockchain industry in the UK
Following the success of their joint report, Deep Knowledge Analytics and Big Innovation Centre have now established a strategic partnership to produce comprehensive analytical industry reports on the most innovative and rapidly evolving sectors within the UK Innovation Ecosystem.
In recent years, the UK has been at the forefront of the Digital Economy and has rapidly evolved full-fledged industries. What was previously considered a niche for young start-ups, has now become a mature sector. Today, the UK Digital Economy, which includes subsectors in Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain (Crypto Economy), FinTech and Digital Health, is attracting significant levels of investment and new industry activity that it is beginning to have a big impact upon the entire UK economy.
Professor Birgitte Andersen, CEO of Big Innovation Centre, said: “The UK is in an excellent position, both industrially and governmentally, to become a leader in the global race toward the Digital Economy of tomorrow.
“Carefully mind-mapping the UK Innovation Ecosystem is an essential step along the road towards realising the nation’s true innovation potential. We are excited to be joining forces with Deep Knowledge Analytics to strengthen our collective efforts toward making that possible tomorrow a tangible reality.”
Dmitry Kaminskiy, Founder of Deep Knowledge Analytics, said: “The UK could and should be considered as one of the most fertile grounds for cutting edge technological and economic innovation, competing on the same level as other well-promoted high-tech hubs, such as Silicon Valley.
“It is crucial to unite the UK’s existing elements and resources in a convergent and highly synergistic manner. Deep Knowledge Analytics and Big Innovation Centre are deeply unified in this belief, and we are looking forward to working together to accelerate the transformation of the UK Innovation Ecosystem.”
For further information or to request interviews, please contact Prof. Birgitte Andersen (via Clare Ambrosino at 0203 267 0074 or email b.andersen@biginnovationcentre.com) or contact Dmitry Kaminskiy at info@dka.global
About Big Innovation Centre:
Big Innovation Centre exists to help businesses, public agencies and universities put their open innovation principles into practice. Acting as an open innovation hub, Big Innovation Centre convenes a network of representative global companies in every sector, plus national public agencies and some of the best universities. Through this coalition we are building world-class innovation ecosystems and co-creating global innovation and investment hubs. Our aim is to help rebalance and grow national and regional economies. Our partners pool and share resources – technology, IP, data, skills, space, entrepreneurial finance – so our people can work together as co-catalysts to solve the grand challenges. Big Innovation Centre enlarges the innovative capability of its partner organizations, and itself becomes a ‘go-to’ place where commercial and public sector ideas are shared, tested and realized. We create a trusted space for people from cutting edge companies, universities and public agencies to meet and co-create a better world.
For more information visit: www.biginnovationcentre.com
E-mail: info@biginnovatiocentre.com
About Deep Knowledge Analytics:
Deep Knowledge Analytics is the analytical arm of Deep Knowledge Ventures, a VC firm focused on investments in disruptive DeepTech projects and regularly producing advanced industry analytical reports on the subjects of Artificial Intelligence, Longevity, Crypto Economy and Convergence of Technological MegaTrends.
For more information visit: www.dka.global
E-mail: info@dka.global