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Global mHealth Landscape Overview Sheds Light on the Role of mHealth in Combating COVID-19 and Optimizing National Healthcare Strategies
A New Special Analysis of the Global Mobile Health (mHealth) Sector Reveals How
mHealth Can Decrease Costs, Reduce Inefficiencies and Improve Access, Inclusion
and Social Impact of National Healthcare Systems and Infrastructures.
Global mHealth Industry Landscape Overview 2020
26th of November, 2020, London, UK: The release of a new special analytical case study on the Mobile Health (mHealth) App sector on our mobile phones and wearable technology.
It was produced by Big Innovation Centre and Deep Knowledge Analytics and powered by the IT Platform Innovation Eye, “Global mHealth Industry Landscape Overview 2020”, and announced and unveiled today to the public today 26 of November at 3:15pm by Professor Birgitte Andersen, CEO of Big Innovation Centre, at the Digital Health World Congress 2020 (online).
The global landscape overview, or analysis, of the mHealth ecosystem includes 260 Mobile Health App Companies, 330 investors in these Apps, 25 health hubs, and global regions as UK, Europe, Asia & China, India, USA and more.
Professor Birgitte Andersen, CEO of Big Innovation Centre, said:
“We see a clear trend of several countries (and the UK in particular) developing a very robust mHealth industry ecosystem of companies, investors and technologies at their disposal, but failing to sufficiently utilize these resources to their fullest extent in terms of their potential to help address population health challenges of substantial national concern, due to a lack of efficient cross-sector collaboration and synergetic coordination, management and execution on a government level.
The raw resources that are in place to make mHealth a game changer for global health are enormous, but much more remains to be done in terms of effectively coordinating and directing these raw resources on a government level.”
Dmitry Kaminskiy, Co-Founder of Deep Knowledge Analytics, said:
“The four pillars of population health challenges (including ageing population, pandemics and other biodefense threats), exponentially increasing volumes of population data, the growing adoption, availability and democratization of mHealth technologies and solutions, and the increasing technological sophistication of mHealth apps – are rapidly converging to an inflection point that makes the use of mHealth as a core tool for addressing population health risks, and a fundamental component of governments’ national healthcare strategies, completely obvious, economical and necessary.”
Report Scope: A Snapshot of the Global mHealth Industry Landscape
The analytical report and associated interactive IT-Platform profiles and categorizes 260 companies, 330 investors and 25 hubs active within the Global mhealth Industry Ecosystem, and classifies them according to 13 industry subsectors and practical applications and 12 regions. The special analytical case study highlights the potential of mHealth to serve as a major tool to improve access to healthcare while reducing economic pressures of NCDs, population ageing, COVID-19 and other major national challenges for developed countries, giving insight into why the rapidly diversifying sector should become a major component of many governments’ national healthcare strategies.
Benchmarking mHealth Technological Sophistication
The report also features an accompanying Interactive IT-Platform (consisting of a dynamic mHealth Sectors MindMap and a corresponding mHealth Regions MindMap) containing individual profiles on all entities companies included in the report. Additionally, the analysis includes a preliminary ranking of its apps’ level of technological advancement, segregating all 260 companies and their apps into 4 distinct tiers of advancement: Advanced, Progressive, Intermediary and Basic. This first edition was produced in order to gain a better understanding of the general size and diversity of the mHealth sector, and future iterations of the report and associated IT-Platforms will include a more diverse array of sectors and practical applications, a larger scope of geographic regions, and a deeper and more comprehensive set of factors and parameters used to formulate the technology advancement ranking component of the special analytical case study.
mHealth Industry Seeing Steady Growth and Diversification
Overall, the size of the mHealth sector, the range and diversity of its constituent sectors and practical applications, and the level of technological sophistication offered by its apps, have grown tremendously in recent years, driven in tandem by increasing mobile phone penetration (the proportion of the global population with access to mobile phones generally and smartphones in particular) and internet availability.
Societal mHealth Endpoints and Drivers Also Increasing
These positive growth factors also appear to be working synergistically with a number of negative growth factors that increase the need for novel approaches to healthcare delivery and personal health optimization, including:
- rising healthcare costs,
- decreasing healthcare affordability, and
- economic disparities around access to healthcare resources and services, as well as the ongoing rise in the prevalence of NCDs and population ageing in developed nations.
- pandemics are increasing in number and intensity, and driving demand for mHealth
Why a global industry and why now?
Constraints felt by the healthcare systems of developing nations which stimulate mHealth uptake:
- ❏ High population growth.
- ❏ A high burden of disease prevalence.
- ❏ Small healthcare workforces.
- ❏ Large numbers of rural inhabitants.
- ❏ Limited financial resources to support healthcare infrastructure and health information systems.
Constraints felt by the healthcare systems in many developed economies, which impacted the government’s attitude towards mHealth:
- ❏ Fast growth in incident of population with COVID-19.
- ❏ A high burden of COVID-19 disease prevalence.
- ❏ Limited hospital capacity and healthcare workforces to tackle the pandemic.
- ❏ Large cities with high people concentration (easy to spread the COVID-19).
- ❏ Inadequate healthcare infrastructure and governmental health information systems to deal with the spread of COVID-19
mHealth Technological Sophistication Steadily Rising
These factors, combined with the overall rise in mHealth app technological sophistication, are converging to establish a self-perpetuating mechanism driving overall industry growth and diversification. The use of AI in mHealth is growing rapidly, with a still small but steadily increasing proportion of mHealth apps incorporating AI technologies and techniques, data science and personalized analysis of user data in order to deliver tailored recommendations, due to the increasing sophistication and functionality of AI generally, as well as its decreasing cost and growing availability to SMEs.
mHealth Precision and Personalization Increasing
In turn, this appears to be driving an overall increase in the level of user personalization, and the precision of user-specific data monitoring, analysis and tailored recommendations offered by mHealth apps. As the capacity to collect and analyze larger volumes of user data rises, the breadth and depth of insights that can be extracted from AI-driven analysis of such data also increases. Meanwhile, the number of apps that feature advanced and cutting-edge forms of AI, such as Machine Learning and Deep Learning, is also growing. We see this general trend particularly present in countries where governments have prioritized investment in cutting-edge AI technologies and companies as a major component of their industrial strategies, such as the UK. These countries have yet to extend their strategies as far as directing these resources effectively for the advancement of mHealth.
More Work Needed on Governmental Coordination
Pandemics continue to drive demand for mHealth, as technologies available to help mHealth apps address health challenges continues to increase in both sophistication and ability, and the overall potential impact that the mHealth industry can have on issues of pressing national and economic concern continues to rise. Amidst these growth factors, we see a clear trend of several countries (such as the UK) developing a very robust mHealth industry ecosystem of companies, investors and technologies at their disposal, but failing to utilize these resources to their fullest extent to help address population health challenges of substantial national concern, due to a lack of efficient cross-sector collaboration and synergetic coordination, management and execution on a government level.
About Big Innovation Centre
Big Innovation Centre is an award-winning Think Tank and innovation-communications consultancy, established in 2011. Specialised in digital transformation and future proofing corporate businesses models, they are the appointed secretariat for the UK All-Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial Intelligence (APPG AI) and Blockchain (APPG Blockchain). Big Innovation Centre’s network is one of the most sophisticated and high-level networks in the world of technology and innovation..
About Deep Knowledge Analytics
Deep Knowledge Analytics is a DeepTech focused agency producing advanced analytics on DeepTech and frontier-technology industries using sophisticated multi-dimensional frameworks and algorithmic methods that combine hundreds of specially-designed and specifically-weighted metrics and parameters to deliver sophisticated market intelligence, pragmatic forecasting and tangible industry benchmarking.
About Innovation Eye
Innovation Eye IT platform was jointly founded in March 2019 by Big Innovation Centre and Deep Knowledge Analytics to provide sophisticated market analytics, industry intelligence, comparative industry classification frameworks and benchmarking case studies.
For press and media inquiries, please contact:
Professor Birgitte Andersen: Mobile: +44 (0) 79 4478 3648
Dmitry Kaminskiy:
Big Innovation Centre | 62 Wilson Street | London | EC2A 2BU
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