Big Innovation Centre is excited to host fringe events at political party conferences. This year, in 2016, our events are at the two main political parties: The Conservative Political party which is in Government and the opposition, the Labour Party.
Our event at the Labour conference was joint with New Statesman Magazine, and our event at Conservatives conference was with ResPublica.
Download our Provocation Paper from the event – LINK to download and read more about the event provocation and discussion points below.
Labour Party Conference 2016 fringe event
Fringe event title: What’s the Purpose of Britain? Think Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Capitalism
Monday 26th September 2016 , 4.00pm
New Statesman Hub – Gower Street Carpark, Liverpool, L3 4AD
Our event provocation to be considered by the panels:
As the very nature of markets and capital continues to radically alter, this discussion will explore the preparedness of the British economy to adapt to financial transformation. Markets which centre on hard-to-value intangibles are continuing to grow at a rapid rate, and therefore it is crucial to assess how able British businesses are to embrace these shifts, and profit as much as possible. The panel will discuss how exciting emerging markets can be fully capitalised on for the benefit of British companies, and our economy as a whole.
Specifically aspects such as intellectual capitalism, intellectual property, artificial intelligence and the wider technological revolution will be analysed, as will Britain’s interaction with these developments, and how this interaction can be improved. What can be done at a policy level to further stimulate our economy when it comes to these exciting shifts? Practical enablers such as increased lending from banks to technology-rich companies, developing IP clusters to match Silicon Valley, and encouraging organisations to commit to schemes such as the Intellectual Property Exchange, will be explored.
The aim of the panel discussion is to identify key deviations in international markets, what Britain is doing to capitalise on these, where it could be doing more with advice as to how it could enable further financial benefit.
Discussion points
- Does artificial intelligence (AI) deliver a positive vision of the future?
- Is British business prepared and equipped to embrace these shifts, raise their competitive power and deliver on their purpose at the same time?
- Do politicians and company boards understand the challenges and opportunities of disruptive technologies, artificial intelligence, intellectual property, and investment in new business models?
- How can the growth potential of emerging markets in Asia and internationally be well capitalized for the benefit of British companies and society as a whole?
- Where are the urgently needed increases in lending from banks to technology companies or the UK’s high-tech IP clusters to match Silicon Valley?
- Can Britain transform from a global financial headquarter to embrace new platforms such as the Intellectual Property Exchange?
- Is UK data regulation fit for purpose, and what about high-speed broadband services or a new industrial policy?
- How can we ensure that Britain stays at the forefront of economic and societal transformation?
- How will the world of innovation capitalism unfold?
- Panel Chair: Becky Slack, Founder and MD of Slack Communications
- Professor Birgitte Andersen, CEO and CoCreator, Big Innovation Centre
- Will Hutton, Public Intellectual, Principal of Hertford College and Chair, Big Innovation Centre Steering Group
- Chi Onwurah MP, Member of Parliament for Newcastle upon Tyne Central, Shadow Minister for Culture & the Digital Economy
Conservative Party Conference 2016 fringe event
Fringe Event title: “The Future of Capitalism in Britain: Artificial Intelligence and Innovation”
Monday 3rd October, 17.45 19.00
Hall 7B, ICC, Birmingham , B1 2DY
LINK to photos
Our event provocation to be considered by the panels:
In short, this fringe will look at modern capitalism in Britain and ask, what might the future hold?
Discussion points
How might disruptive innovation change the face of our economy? What will be the effect of intellectual capitalism and what does this mean for Britain, socially and economically? How can Government with its Industrial Strategy support innovation?
Today, intellectual property accounts for 5% of Britain’s services export and contributes with 6% of services trade-surplus. Given this already important role to the UK economy, why are we not doing more to support the growth of this sector?
With a forthcoming Industrial Strategy, how will this sector be supported strategically? What more can be done to build intellectual property clusters to inspire and foster British challenges to Boston and Silicon Valley?
With Britain on the verge of leaving the EU, there is an increasing focus on exporting British goods and services to new markets. With new opportunities promised for innovative British companies, what will give them the edge and to what extent might this rely on the rapidly advancing artificial intelligence and financial technology sectors?
- Panel Chair: Will Hutton, Chair, Hertford, College Oxford and Big Innovation Centre
- Birgitte Andersen, CEO and CoCreator, Big Innovation Centre
- Neil Carmichael MP, Chair, Education Select Committee
- Phil Smith, Chairman, Cisco UK & Ireland
- Anil Seth, Professor of Neuroscience, University of Sussex